Grandma Decibelle

This is my first game project in which I had the role role of producer and gameplay programmer. Grandma Decibelle is rhythm game where the player plays Grandma Decibelle, a crazy old scientist who is really annoyed by the music of her neighbours. She builds a machine that can counter soundwaves if used right. The player has to produce soundwaves that are the exact opposite of the soundwaves which are being shot at the player.

  • Role: Producer & Gameplay Programmer
  • Team Size: 8
  • Platforms: PC
  • Engine: Unity
  • 2014-2015

As producer I was responsible for the development of the game. I introduced daily stand-up meetings and gave assignments to every member of the team. I planned and coordinated various aspects of the production, Such as selecting the songs which are featured in the game, assist the designers in making decisions and quality control. In the time that I wasn’t planning or other tasks for producing I was taking up programming tasks such as the rendering of soundwaves.

We wanted sound waves that look as much as possible as the real deal. Initially the artists wanted to animate the waves by hand. I had an idea to generate the wave and rendering it out using particles, which worked beautifully and it gave an interesting effect.

Implementation Wave Particles

The following code example is from the rendering script of a soundwave written in c#. When a soundwave is initially created, CreateParticles called and given the length of the soundwave. It uses the quality variable in the object to determine how many particles are spawned. The higher the quality the more particles.

When the position of the particles needs to be updated the wave calls UpdateParticles and gives the new x position of the wave together with the wavelength and the wavedata. Wavedata has the shape of the wave in it. It is a double array since the wave can be a combination of different sinus waves. The function calculates the location of each particle and saves it.